Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Before Their Time

I though I'd do a little informative blog today about some Architects who made buildings that even though they were built decades ago, still look modern and fresh today. I will be heading backwards in time to see how early the tradition of sleek modernity goes, starting very early in 1936

I have decided to begin at the logical place of Bear Run, Pennsylvania, the famous location of Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright. This Tranquil building also gains the title of one of the most photographed houses in the word, and I think it deseverves to be.

Falling Water, 1936

 Going to 1931 now, and onto another equally famous Architect Le Corbusier who created this, The Villa Savoye. This building, designed by a true giant of the Archtecture world, seems to have landed in the suburbs of Paris from space, rather then created by a man.

Villa Savoye, 1931

Back to America now, for the Lovell House, designed by Richard Neutra. This incredibly desireable building was built for Dr. Phillip Lovell for what he described as a 'demonstration helath house' and eventually featured in the film LA Confidential.

Lovell House, 1929

Staying in LA, its time for what I consider to be the defining building of the modern era, the Schindler House by Vienna born Rudolf Schindler. This house, built in 1923, for me, represents the birth of the modern Architectural movement.

Schindler House, 1923

Hopefully this post will widen peoples views and demontrate just how far back these creative geniuses forged thier ideas into liveable structures.



Andrew said...

wow, those houses look amazing
can't believe they were built in those years

Atreties said...

Wow those houses look absolutely beautiful. Nice blog!

AssortedNews said...

It's crazy to think just how long ago these were designed and how well they still hold up today.

Mac said...

wow those are so amazing!

Wolfe said...

Does anyone else suddenly want to play minecraft while looking at these buildings? I really want to recreate the Falling water.

andrewpledger said...

@Wolfe Haha! Yes! My tutor actually encouraged me to play minecraft more because he says it helps with inspiration. I know Lego have a Falling Water set somewhere that looks pretty good.

John McGough said...

Falling water looks so beautiful. I can definately see why that is the most photographed house in the world. I can but dream...

leanmeansteen said...

hell ya i love villa savoye. corb was my favorite when i was in architecture school. nice blog. study hard!